My Journey

My journey into the tech world started when I realized my career was a dead end. I was unhappy and realized I was the only one that could change that, and it required swift actions. I was fortunate enough that I could just walk away and focus on finding what that next "thing" was for me. My father was a computer programer before he retired and that is what got me started looking into the tech field aside from the stability of the field to take me into my retirement some day. I started research into what that could be and came across skillcrush!

My Portfolio

Jubilee Austeen Project

HTML5 &CSS Website

Creation of a website working off a photoshop comp. Working on this website made me appreciate writing code and realized that the key to learning code is repetitive code writing. My favortie part about writing code for this was working through the learning curve of being new to the code world.


Rogue Pickings Website

HTML & CSS from Photoshop Design Comp

Creation of the one page website to match the rendering through a photoshop design comp. Using my new coding skills to write the code in html as well as perfecting the css.
